Monday, March 06, 2006

Irlen Syndrome

Irlen Syndrome
Irlen Syndrome, also called Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, is a problem that involves visual perception. This problem affects how the nervous system processes visual information. Irlen Syndrome is not an optical problem. An individual with Irlen Syndrome sees a page differently from individuals with normal vision.
Reading, studying, writing, and spelling can all be affected by Irlen Syndrome;
therefore, producing a drop in academic performance from students with this
problem. Students must devote more attention and time into their reading to be successful. Irlen Syndrome can also lead to have behavioral or attitudinal problems.
There are several signs a teacher or parent can look for in a student who might be affected by Irlen Syndrome. Only to name a few, a student may have poor comprehension, misread words, lose place, skip words or lines, have trouble copying, or have inconsistent spelling.
Although Irlen Syndrome can affect students, there is a treatment called the Irlen Method to help children and adults to overcome difficulties. Some treatments of the Irlen Method includes colored
overlays or colored glasses or contact lenses. These treatments can help reduce or eliminate difficulties with perception.

There are many ways to test for reasons that affect poor schooling. Self tests are provided and can be taken by students.
The following web site offers a self test, along with more information about Irlen Syndrome:

To learn more about Irlen Syndrome go to:
Guest Blogger: Kimberly Deitrick

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