Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Government website for especially for kids

This site is maintained by the Federal Citizen's Information Center and is specifically designed for kids. This site provides links to Government sites for kids as well as other reputable sources of information. The site is organized by subject which include Arts, Careers, Computers, Fighting Crime, Fun Stuff, Geography, Global Village, Government, Health, History, Homework, Money, Music, Plants and Animals, Recreation, Safety, Science and Math, Space, State Sites and Transportation.

Science Sites by Kimberly

Science is very a very important part in the education of elementary children. Not only will teachers be implementing science into the lesson plans, but parents also should encourage the child’ s learning and excitement about science. Listed below are simple science projects and experiments that can be used the classroom or at home.

This website includes lists of science project ideas and topics.

This website is for teachers to use experiments and science projects in their lesson plan, as well as ideas to decorate a science wall.

This website is for teachers and elementary students that provides general sites for science, topics and fun activities.

Science projects, experiments, and activities that are implemented will help raise the interest level of children in science education.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Teacher Created Resources

Teacher Created Resources has a page on their website that they offer free ideas and resources to teachers. They also give away a free e-book once a month to those who sign up with them to get their updates. This month's free book is on technology. Many of the practical resources we have in the curriculum library have come from Teacher Created Resources.

Their site offers

Free Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Activities
- for 400+ free lesson plans using keywords.
-Lessons can be viewed by Subject and Grade.
-This week's featured subject: Mathematics.

Free Monthly Calendars
Our monthly calendars are packed with daily items of interest!
--You can currently download October, November and December

Free Teaching Tip of the Month
--See this month's teaching tip.
--Free Monthly Activities
-- In October the have included activities for Computer Learning Month and Halloween. You'll also find related clip art, Web sites, and products.
Free Brain Teasers
See this week's brain tickler.

Harper Collins Children's Literature

Harper Collins, the book publishers, have a great website for teachers and librarians. Click on the title above to visit this site.

What's New -- they feature new books and rereleased favorites.
Authors and Illustrators -- in this section, Harper Collins features a short author/illustrator biography and the other books that they have produced. Below this, they have an extensive list of authors and illustrators that you can click on that include a short biography. Many of the authors featured have personal websites, podcasts or videos to view.
Awards and Honors -- in this section you can search books by the awards that they have won. The awards list is extensive.
Teaching Resources -- This section includes downloadable/printable teaching and reading guides for the books.
Book Activities -- This section has printable pages for teachers to use to reinforce learning.

This site will become a favorite for Elementary, Reading , English and Language Arts teachers.

National Indian Education Study: Part II released

This morning the National Center for Education Statistics released National Indian Education Study: Part II; the educational experiences of 4th- and 8th- grade American Indian and Alaska Native Students. Also known by the acronym "NIES".Here is the press release with links to the report in PDF-- is the Executive Summary of the report (about two screens)-- is the publication (148 pages)--
And if you missed NIES, Part 1, here it is--

Message from Steve Beleu Oklahoma Department of Libraries

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Calliope World History magazine from Cobblestone Publication

The curriculum library now has all back issues of Calliope magazine beginning 1990 to the present. Calliope is a magazine that is designed for grades 3-8 and focuses on events in world history. You can find this magazine in ED SEC 308. Here are the upcoming themes for CALLIOPE ®

2006 - 2007 School Year
September -- Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
October-- Mesopotamia
November --Greece vs. Persia: Centuries of Conflict
December -- Julius Caesar
January -- Music Travels the Silk Road
February -- China - at the Forefront with Technology
March -- Korea's Silla Dynasty
April -- The French Revolution
May -- Epic Heroes

2007 - 2008 School Year
September -- Akhenaten, Egypt's Heretic King
October -- The Birth of Ancient India
November -- Greek Olympics
December -- Heroes and Heroines of Early Rome
January -- Maps
February -- Mythical Monsters
March -- Genghis Khan
April -- Joan of Arc
May -- Inventions